We were delighted to welcome the Old Dublin Society to Balbriggan on May 20th Jim Walsh led them on a very informative and enjoyable Historical walkabout. Then we finished up the day with some beautiful cakes in The Brick Room. We also had our usual walkabout as part of the Summerfest on Saturday 3rd June. A torrential downpour just before we were due to start didn’t deter the hardy historians and an enjoyable walk was led as usual by Jim Walsh, this year starting from the Sinéad Ní Fhlannagáin plaque which we helped organise as part of the 2016 commemoration. Looking forward to 2067 we contributed some memorabilia to the Time Capsule which was buried as part of the Summerfest and will be opened in that year.
Brian Howley, accompanied by Bernie Kelly and Anne Collins led a very enjoyable Historical walk with the enthusiastic young members of the Balbriggan Scouts 34th/161st cubs group on September 19th. Their were plenty of questions as Gaeilge as well as in English and they were delighted with our bilingual answers.