Balbriggan & District Historical Society presented our September talk by Jim Herlihy titled ‘Policing Ireland in 1922’ in the Bracken Court Hotel Balbriggan Wednesday September 28th. 2022 marks the centenary of An Garda Síochána and Jim’s talk focussed on policing in the early years of the State as well as focussing on Balbriggan. It was a fascinating talk and also we remembered the members of An Garda Síochána who served in Balbriggan including Scott Medal winners Laurence O’Neill, Timothy Mahony and Patrick Quinn. We were delighted to have retired Gardai from Balbriggan in the audience including Dick Burke. Thanks to Kathleen O’Neill for her photos. Jim Herlihy is a retired member of An Garda Síochána and co-founder of the Garda Historical Society. He has written three books on the Royal Irish Constabulary, two books on the Dublin Metropolitan Police and one on the Irish Revenue Police.
Admission €5, Members free